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Digitaler messschieber
29.01.18 11:18
Digitaler messschieber

The indication on the display is not stable. After zero-ing it indicates zero but when I mesure, the indication anzeige is absurd and changes.
An new battery gives the same result.
Barcode = 27 05 6622
ALDI 23-03-17 so still garanteed.
Because it was an very nice and accurate tool, I am unhappy.
I can send you a copy of the ticket if you tell me how to do it.


Guido P

31.01.18 13:33


Re: Digitaler messschieber


as our company did not deliver digital callipers to ALDI already since 2015 we want to have a look onto the products rating lable and the purchase receipt.

Please send a picture of the rating label and the purchase receipt to:


Best Regards / Viele Grüße
Ihr ServiceTeam

Dateiweite Farbe für den Hintergrund