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fern bediennung universal
04.12.11 11:00
fern bediennung universal

we have SKY television,
model nr. SKY EN 42/S1LS,
SERIAL NR. SKY NEXT 42130600058*
Can u pls send code nr to operate our TV. In your instruction manual it is not there.
Awaiting your earliest reply
thanking you

05.12.11 18:54


Re: fern bediennung universal

Good evening,

if the preferred device is not contained within the code list, the best option is to use the automatic search function which is explained within the user manual.

A further option is to programm the remote control by using the oríginal remote control of the receiver (learn function).
If you choose the learn function, you can copy the original remote control onto the universal remote control.

If you have any problem while programming the remote control, please contact the service centre directly (phone).

Viele Grüße
Ihr ServiceTeam

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