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Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem
18.07.12 10:07
Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Dear Sir,

I've the problem with received DCF-77 signal. The icon of the aerial disappeared from the LCD display. The station tries to take back four hour the signal but her this sie does not pretend. Signal in this place is strong sufficiently and no problem with received until now. Some defect of the module DCF-77 signal happened probably. Do I have to do what? I live in Poland and bought station in ALDI store in my city. Could you give me symbol or name integrated circuit of the DCF-77 signal module receiver?

Thank you very much.


18.07.12 11:58


Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Good Morning,

please let us know the project number of the device, which you can find on the rating label on the back of the main unit.
The project number has the scheme: Exxxx (E followed by 5 digits).

Depending on the date of purchase probably your device is still under warranty an could be repaired within the service centre.
If you can give us the project number, we cann identity the exact warranty term and the responsible service centre for your location and your device.

Anyhow, we have no idea which circumstance causes the malfunction of your unit.
Mostly a too weak DCF signal receiption is the reason for the above mentioned failure. Please pay attention that the device is placed in the near of a window for example to check, if this is the reason.

Please understand, that we cannot offer circut diagrams nor circuit informations to end customers due to legal restrictions.

Viele Grüße / best regards
Ihr ServiceTeam

19.07.12 08:08
Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Welcome Team,

Thank you very much for quick reply. I believe that the breakdown happened because the station received the DCF signal without the problem until now.
Different radio controlled clock put in the same place moreover receives the strong signal and works correctly.
The project number of the device is E41209, ver. IV/11/08
Give me please e-mail and service address on which I have to send for repair my station.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,

19.07.12 10:09


Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Good Morning,

based on the Project number E41209 we noticed, that your device ran already out of warranty.
That is why the service centre cannot repair or replace the weather station free of charge. Please take a note.

You can contact the responsible service centre by phone as follow:

00800/28042804 (free call international)

Viele Grüße
Ihr ServiceTeam

Editiert am Heute 10:09

20.07.12 09:36
Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Good Morning,

I know that the period of the warranty is out. However I would like to execute repairs for money and to send the station to the service. That is why I ask once again of the address on which I have to send my equipment. I moreover ask of the service e-mail address because I want in writing to ask about time and the conditions of the repair and also about the form possible of the payment. Thank you for kindness.

Best regards,

20.07.12 09:49


Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Good Morning,

you can find the responsible service centre within the user manual of your product or within the service area on

In general, the following service centre is responsible for small devices in Poland.

GT Product Service Europe - Poland

Teknihall Europe

Hotline: 00800 - 456 22 000 (freecall / bezplatny)

International: 00800 - 456 22 000 (freecall / bezplatny)


Viele Grüße / Best Regards
Ihr ServiceTeam

20.07.12 10:59
Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Welcome Team,

Thank you very much for full information.

Best regards,

25.07.12 07:54
Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Welcome Team,

I sent the message under the indicated e-mail address last week but I did not receive answer until now. Is this address current? Can you help me in this matter? Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Editiert am Heute 07:58

25.07.12 09:29


Re: Weather station GT-WS-03 and DCF-77 signal receiver problem

Good Morning,

the mail adress is correct.

Please contact the service centre by phone. It is a freecall hotline without any cost and the agents speak polish as well as english or other prefered languages.

Viele Grüße
Ihr ServiceTeam

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